Monday, May 23, 2011

Music Genome

The music genome project was one of my favorite projects we’ve done! I really enjoyed putting it together. I thought it was really fun to go back and research the history of different genres of music. I think most of the people in my class had fun with this project. While putting this project together, I felt as if I was back in my childhood of the 90’s. Another part of this project I enjoyed was seeing how much the different genres of music have evolved to our present day music. I found it a bit difficult to convert some songs from Garage Band into iMovie at first, but after a while I got a hang of it.


The podcast was actually pretty simple. I kind of expected it to be a bit difficult, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. In grade school my class was taught very little about garage band, so I was sort of worried about having to use it for this project. Once I started to use garage band though, it was easy. I even enjoyed using garage band. I learned how to insert music and also how to cut out parts of the music. I even learned how to add pictures. Overall, I think this was a good project.

Storyboard Blog

For the storyboard project, you need some creativity to make your slideshow. Having groups was a good idea because there were more people to pout together more creative ideas. When you have to do an assignment that involves a lot of creativity you should try to work with a group. In a group with more people you can come up with more ideas to put together to make a better project. When you are in a group you can work together to come up with more creative ideas to use for your project. You can finish your project and work with friends at the same time.