Wednesday, March 23, 2011

iPhoto Name Project

I had a lot of fun with this project. This was a very cool project and it seemed so easy because it was so much fun. This project taught me how to use zamzar, which I had never done before. This is probably my favorite project we have done so far this trimester. I also think this project is fun to watch after it had been finished. It’s entertaining to watch other people’s project video as well. I showed my name project video to my mom and stepdad and they both taught that it was really cool and very creative.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Mail Merge

I thought that the mail merge project was a real learning experience. I think this was a very helpful project that taught me more about the Macs. I will probably use this type of tech work in the future. This project wasn’t too difficult and it was actually kind of fun! I actually learned things that I had not known before and I felt like this project was a good way of teaching me. I was taught a little bit about Excel in grade school, but this project helped me learn things I had not learned in grade school. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

M&M Project

I think this project was a good one to help us learn how to use Excel better. We separated each bag of M&M's by color, then we counted the amount of each separate color. After that we gave our numbers to the other people in our group. We then summed and averaged up the numbers. After that, I put a pie chart underneath the data. I then made my chart "pretty" by coloring the letters and highlighting the backgrounds. Then we got to eat the M&M's. This was a fun project for the whole class because we got to eat it after we collected data.

Monday, March 14, 2011

My Expectations

I hope to learn a lot in this class. I would really like to learn things about my laptop that I can use in the future. I think this class will be very helpful in teaching me how to use each different application in my laptop correctly. Also, I’m hoping that this class can teach me shortcuts and other things that can make using my laptop easier. I want to learn how to use the tools that are on my laptop as well. Overall. I feel as if this class will make using these laptops easier throughout high school for every student at Peoria Notre Dame.